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Muta-vit helps parrots molt (25g)


Periodic Health Examination And Beauty Care For Parrot


Parrot Treatment Services

Cough, flu, diarrhea, coccidiosis …

(Parrot Treatment Only Applies to Customers Buying Birds at Pet Me.)


SKU: VE000074 Category: Tag:


To ensure the health of your pet parrot, come to Pet Me Shop for care and treatment for parrots, learn about diseases and symptoms of each disease to take care of your parrot and detect diseases in time. for quick treatment, ensuring the health of your pet parrot.

Common diseases in parrots

– Flu, Diarrhea (cough, fever, diarrhea or when the birds do not eat, sad expression not active as usual, saggy, ruffled, trembling)
– Pneumonia (Wheezing, normal activity or sedentary when severe)
– Diarrhea
– Diarrhea with Blood (Coccidiosis)
– Swollen Lymph Nodes
– Leg Swelling, Arthritis, Broken Legs, Broken Wings
– Mushrooms, dermatitis, hair loss, lice, fleas
– Eyesore

Price list:

– Size XS: 200.000đ

– Size S: 300.000đ

– Size M: 400.000đ

– Size L: 500.000đ

(Only applicable to customers who buy birds at Pet Me)

***Lưu ý: Give medicine to the parrot drink during the day, not to pass the day. If your birds do not drink themselves you can pump birds to drink 2 hours / time. Drink until normal healthy birds. More efficient when using a 40 degree heating lamp during treatment

For further information, please contact:

Hotline:  091 709 6677 – 091 707 6677 (Mr. Tài)

Address showroom: Pet Me Coffee – No. 21, Street 6, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc City.

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