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Red Breasted Parakeet

The Rose-Preasted Parrot is a familiar parrot breed in Vietnam, also known by another name: Parrot. This species of parrot often lives in the highlands and Central Highlands. They are found in many places around the world in large numbers such as: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Andaman Islands.



The Rose-Preasted Parrot is a familiar parrot breed in Vietnam, also known by another name: Parrot. This species of parrot often lives in the highlands and Central Highlands. They are found in many places around the world in large numbers such as: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Andaman Islands. Rose-breasted parrots are very intelligent, this parrot is flexible, agile and active, so it is very popular with bird lovers.

Parrots have been vaccinated free of charge for the following diseases:

–  Colds, intestinal diseases – Monthly (VND 200,000/time)

–  Profit book – Every 3 months (100,000 VND/time)

–  Coccidiosis (Digestive of blood) – Every 3 months (VND 100,000/time)

–  NewCastle (Cholera) – Every 4 months, birds stay at Pet Me 3 days (500,000 VND)

–  Lung fungus – Monthly (VND 100,000/time)

–  Asthma / Typhoid / Blood clots – Monthly (VND 100,000/time)

*** With the advice of Dr. Nguyen Nhu Pho – Lecturer at Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City.

Pet Me Shop specializes in buying and selling Lovebird parrots nationwide. Make sure the parrot is beautiful and has a health certificate for quarantine.

For further information, please contact:

Hotline:  091 709 6677 – 091 707 6677 (Mr. Tài)

Address showroom: Pet Me Coffee – No. 21, Street 6, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc City.

Vẹt ngực hồng là giống vẹt quen thuộc tại Việt Nam còn được gọi với cái tên khác là Két. Loài vẹt này thường sinh sống ở khu vực vùng cao, Tây Nguyên. Chúng được tìm thấy tại nhiều nơi trên thế giới với số lượng lớn như: Indonesia, khu vực Đông Nam Á, Nam Á và quần đảo Andaman. Vẹt ngực hồng rất thông minh, loài vẹt này linh hoạt, nhanh nhẹn và hoạt bát nên được những người yêu chim cảnh rất yêu thích.

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