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Nutribird G14 Tropical 3kg


Nutribird P15 Tropical 200gram

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Nutribird P15 Tropical 500gram


SKU: VE000888-1 Category:


Nutribird G14 is an excellent complete grain food for ornamental birds. Specially developed for large ornamental birds and adult birds.

– Add a variety of tree nuts, 10% peas bring delicious taste, combined from many different tree nuts, accounting for 5%.
– Sweet taste from 5% apples, vegetables and many other fresh fruits, providing the necessary amount of vitamins.
– Delicious aroma, 14% protein, 16% fat suitable for birds’ needs.
– Provide 2.3mg of iodine to prevent iodine deficiency disease, which is the main cause of hypothyroidism and many other diseases.

Prevent calcium deficiency by high calcium:phosphorus ratio up to 1.5.
Nutribird is a delicious, nutritious bird food that prevents nutritional problems and bird food choices.
Nutribird contains a variety of fruits and fiber, which help create beneficial bacteria in the gut and maintain digestive balance.
– The ratio of calcium:phosphorus (0.9:0.6) of the food helps to build strong bones.
– Suitable food particle size, birds can easily pick up and eat, without breakage or loss, ensuring birds receive enough nutrients, saving and reducing costs.
– Healthy birds will have loose or hard stools that are not too hard. Good quality bird droppings will be uniform in color, dark green-or grey. A healthy bird’s droppings will have little water content (the liquid part of bird droppings).
– The droppings of healthy birds should be a single color, dark green-or gray. A high percentage of urea will have a white or cream color. Healthy birds should have less water in their droppings (the liquid part of bird droppings).

Make sure that Nutribird G14 is delicious, easy to digest and strengthens the immune system.

Nutribird is the only food used by leading zoos worldwide and veterinarians worldwide.

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