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Parrot (safe) DNA parrot sex test


Prestigious quality parrot (safe) sex test service, simple implementation and high accuracy to help you know the sex of your pet parrot

SKU: VE000066 Category: Tag:


100% reputable DNA gender testing service, with simple steps and accurate results. Helps you confirm the sex of your pet parrot is male or female.

Steps to conduct a parrot sex test

Bird DNA testing is the most accurate and convenient method of determining whether a bird is a male or a female. The procedure is simple: Order a DNA collection kit or make your own at home and send it to Pet Me. DNA samples will be analyzed in 7-10 business days, results will be emailed or secured courier to the requested address. Some common species such as squirrel warbler, cockatoo, parrot, etc., are on the list of hundreds of species that can be tested.

The detailed steps are as follows:

S1: Send the samples (3 samples of fur or egg of baby birds).

S2: Wait for the result after 2 weeks (the certificate has global validity).

Time: 2 weeks.

Accuracy: 100%.

kham suc khoeMajor Mitchell Cockatoo

The process is carried out by

– 1 D-HPLC Machine.

– Gene sequencing machine ABI 3130, Applied Biosystems.

– Multiplying gene machine Real Time PCR_TaqMan®.

For further information, please contact:

Hotline:  091 709 6677 – 091 707 6677 (Mr. Tài)

Address showroom: Pet Me Coffee – No. 21, Street 6, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc City.

Test sample: Feather sample with legs (feather leg) or egg sample from newly hatched chicks

Time: 2 weeks

Accuracy: 100%

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