Teach parrots to roll 1

Place the parrot on a flat surface and give the command “roll” and at the same time, force both sides of the parrot to roll à click à reward.

Teach parrots to roll

Parrots are brightly colored birds, dignified like a queen with extremely skillful imitation skills. For those reasons, they are loved and chosen by many aquarists. However, raising parrots is very difficult and teaching them to talk is even more difficult.

Repeat the operation for the  Patto get used to the movement. After getting used to that movement, you can use one hand to roll the parrot. Continue to repeat the operation and will reduce the force of the parrot’s rolling gradually to get used to it and the parrot will roll on its own. Then you just need to give the order to roll and then hold out your hand and the parrot will perform the exercise.

lan 1 3Specializing in buying and selling parrots, teaching parrots to make games – Petmeshop


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