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Jenday Conure

In the wild, Jenday Conures typically live in pairs or small groups. Their bright plumage makes them easy to spot. When flying, they enjoy chirping loudly, and their calls can carry over long distances.


Jenday Conure parrots are known as stunning pet birds that are highly popular today. To learn more about this special bird species, let’s explore how much a Jenday Conure costs and whether they can talk!

1. Detailed Information About Jenday Conure

  • Colors: Yellow, green, orange
  • Length: 30 cm
  • Weight: 120 – 130g
  • Lifespan: 25 – 30 years
  • Maturity Age: 2 years

Jenday Conures are extremely colorful and playful small parrots that originate from northeastern South America. They are commonly found in tropical climate regions and can live in deep forests or coastal areas.

These parrots stand out with their bright and vibrant feathers. Their main color is bright yellow on the head and orange on the chest. Some other parts of their body, such as their wings and back, are covered in green feathers, giving them a striking and eye-catching appearance. Thanks to their unique beauty, Jenday Conures have become one of the most popular pet birds today.

Despite their small size, Jenday Conures have an impressive lifespan, living up to 30 years. They are well-suited as pet birds for families, especially those with young children, or even for pet-friendly cafés. Jenday Conures have a well-proportioned body, a large, round head, and a strong, slightly hooked beak, which helps them crack seeds and climb efficiently.

Jenday Conures primarily inhabit arid forests, deciduous forests, and savannas near woodlands. They can be found at elevations of up to 1,200 meters. They also live near the Amazon River, around seasonally flooded forests in Várzea.

In the wild, Jenday Conures typically live in pairs or small groups. Their bright plumage makes them easy to spot. When flying, they enjoy chirping loudly, and their calls can carry over long distances. However, they remain relatively quiet when foraging for food.

Their breeding season begins in February. They usually build nests in palm tree cavities. Each clutch contains 3 to 5 eggs, with an incubation period of about 23 days. The chicks stay in the nest for 8 weeks before leaving. It takes approximately 2 years for them to fully mature. The average lifespan of a Jenday Conure is 25 to 30 years.


Jenday Conures primarily feed on seeds, fruits, cactus fruit, flowers, nuts, insects, and larvae. When kept in captivity, their diet remains similar, but it is recommended to supplement with fresh greens. Additionally, commercial parrot foodis also a suitable option.

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