Hình ảnh Sản phẩm Trước

Balo Đa Năng Cho Chó Mèo – 37x25x34cm – Màu Hồng

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Balo Đa Năng Cho Chó Mèo – 37x25x34cm – Màu Xám

Hình ảnh Sản phẩm Tiếp theo

Balo Đa Năng Cho Chó Mèo – 37x25x34cm – Màu Mint


Mã: DC000737 Danh mục: ,

Mô tả

Hello Cat backpack for dogs and cats has side door, waterproof, many colors
– Material: PVC, fabric, plastic
– Dimensions: 37x25x34 cm (length x width x height)
– Weight: 1kg2 * Color: Yellow, Red, green, blue, black, pink Fabric, plastic
*Uses: – Anti-shock and scratch
– Good bearing capacity
– Backpack comes with all accessories as shown
– The backpack has bright colors with holes designed in the front and the inside of the backpack has good ventilation.
– The strap of the backpack is comfortable, with a lock design on the weapon tube to help the wearer feel comfortable and not be uncomfortable when wearing the backpack for long periods of time such as traveling.

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